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Wearable Sensors Based Construction Safety and Health Management

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Excessive physical demands of construction tasks and poor work conditions at construction sites raise the potential risk of workers’ physical and mental health. This study investigates how workers’ physiological sensory data acquired from the wearable devices can be used to understand workers’ physical and mental status (e.g., physical demands and mental stress). Also, the sensory data are incorporated into the BIM-oriented environment to visualize project information as well as to support decision making to improve workers’ safety and health.

Human Behaviors in Construction Projects


Due to the complexity and dynamicity of construction projects, construction projects are very difficult to standardize. In this regard, humans will still have a central role in the construction project even if advanced technologies or management practices are adopted. As such, this study aims to understand how humans in construction perceive, interact with, make decisions, and behave in the construction projects and finding a better way to design, construct, operate, and maintain facilities and infrastructure systems using advanced technologies.

Personalized Smart Building System for Improving Occupants’ Well-being

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A smart building refers to “any infrastructure that uses automated processes to automatically control the building’s operations including heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and other systems” using sensors and diverse building automation technologies. This study aims to develop a personalized smart building system that considers each occupants’ real comforts by combining their physiological sensory data with the building environmental conditions.

Simulation of Construction Operation Systems


Integrating computer simulation methods (e.g., Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), Discrete Event Simulation (DES), and System Dynamics (SD)) enable us to create a synergy to understand complex phenomena in the construction project and to support effective decision making.

Research Projects

  • Development of standard plans for multi-family residential buildings utilizing modular construction methods (모듈러 공동주택 설계 표준화 용역), 한국토지주택공사, 2024. 12 ~ 2025. 10

  • Automated Job Hazard Analysis for Construction Projects Using the Larage Language Model (LLM 기반 건설현장 위험성 평가 업무 자동화 기술), 아주대학교, 2024.07 ~ 2025.-01

  • Investigating Support Measures and Strategies Enhancing the Capability of the Owners in the Seoul Construction Industry (서울 건설산업 발주자 역량강화를 위한 지원방안 연구용역), 서울주택도시공사, 2024.04~2025.03)

  • Analysis of Construction Safety Management Level Assessment Data for Predicting The Risk of Construction Accidents (건설사고 위험도 예측을 위한 수준평가 데이터 조사), 국토안전관리원, 2024. 03 ~ 2024. 12

  • Automated HVAC control system using wearable sensors and IoT sensors (웨어러블 센서와  IoT 센서 기반 자동 냉난방 조절 시스템 개발), 아주대학교, 2022. 10 ~ 2025. 09

  • Ajou Premier 10 (아주 프리미어 AP 10), 아주대학교, 2022. 04 ~ 205.02
  • Development of off-site construction technologies for precast concrete apartment housing production system (Off-Site Construction 기반 공동주택 생산시스템 혁신 기술개발), 국토교통부, 2020. 06 ~ 2025.12

  • Development of a digital safety watch system for deteriorated buildings in the regional areas (광역단위 노후 건축물 디지털 안전 워치 기술 개발), 국토교통부, 2022. 04 ~2024.12

  • Standard process improvement to advance the asset management process of LH (자산관리 선진화를 위한 기준 프로세스 정비 및 개선연구), 한국토지주택공사, 2023. 01 ~ 2024. 06

  • Quantification of non-cost factor of modular construction (비비용적 요소 정량화를 통한 모듈러 건축 경쟁력 강화 기술 개발), Posco, 2023. 04 ~ 2024.01 

  • Automated Productivity Analysis Platform for Off-Site Construction using Artificial Intelligence (AI를 활용한 OSC 건축현장 생산성 자동 분석 플랫폼 개발), 아주대학교, 2022. 12 ~ 2024.01

  • Project management consulting for remodelling Centum Sensivill Apartment Project (센텀 센시빌 아파트 리모델링주택사업 사업관리 기술용역), 고산도시개발 주식회사, 2021.07 ~ 2023.12

  • Technical Development of Modular Construction in Mid-high Rise Building and Higher Productivity (모듈러 건축 중고층화 및 생산성 향상 기술개발), 국토교통부, 2020. 01 ~ 2023. 12

  • Effects of built environments on office occupants' stress and satisfaction (건축환경의 오피스 재실자의 스트레스 및 만족도에 미치는 영향), 아주대학교, 2021.10 ~ 2023. 09

  • Construction Risk Monitoring Platform Using Collective Sensing of Wearable Bio Sensors (웨어러블 센서 집단감지 기반 건설 현장 위험 모니터링 플랫폼 개발), 한국연구재단, 2020. 03 ~ 2023. 02

  • Strategic plan for research excellence of graduate school of the Department of Architecture (건축학과 대학원 연구 수월성 증진 방안 개발 연구), 아주대학교, 2021.12 ~ 2022.02
  • Development of the standard construction period for the postal office (우정 건축물 공사기간 산정 기준 연구), 우정사업조달센터, 2022. 08 ~ 2022. 12

  • Development of installation guidelines for Seoul Modular School Buildings (서울형 모듈러 임시교사 설치 가이드라인 개발), 서울시 교육청, 2022. 05 ~ 2022. 09.

  • Development of low-cost and high-efficiency technologies for vertical extension of residential buildings (저비용 고효율의 노후 공동주택 수직증축 리모델링 기술개발 및 실증), 국토교통부, 2020. 06 ~ 2022. 12

  • Smart Construction Safety Management System (ICT 기반 스마트 건설안전관리 시스템), 아주대학교, 2019. 03 ~ 2022. 02

  • Planning of the development of a guideline for school space design and management using modular construction (모듈러를 활용한 학교 공간 조성·관리 가이드 개발 기획연구), 한국교육시설 안전원, 2021.10 ~ 2021. 12

  • Investigation of the effects of Project Identification on Construction Workers' Safety Participation (건설 작업자 안전 참여 행동에 대한 프로젝트 정체성 영향 연구), 아주대학교, 2020. 09 ~ 2021.08

  • Productivity and economic improvement of smart factory technology-based HSA400/PosMAC applied modular building construction (Smart Factory 기술 기반 HSA400/PosMAC 적용 모듈러 건축 공장 생산성 향상 및 경제성 확보 기술 개발),  포스코, 2020. 09 ~ 2021. 08

  • Development of a special specification and technical guideline for modular construction projects (모듈러 주택 전문시방서 및 기술지침 제정 연구 용역), 한국토지주택공사, 2020. 09 ~ 2021.01

  • Development of Standard Construction Period for Combined Cycle Power Plant Projects (발전 5사 발전플랜트 건설표준 공기 개발), 동서발전, 2019. 11 ~ 2020. 08

  • Education Program for Smart Architecture System  (스마트 건축 시스템 인재 양성 사업팀), 아주대학교, 2020. 02 ~ 2020


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Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16499, Republic of Korea



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