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Ajou University 

  • SARC 854 -- Construction Operation Simulation (건축생산 시뮬레이션 특론, 2019 - Present)
    Fundamentals of computer simulations in construction. Topics include Monte-Carlo simulation, Discrete Event Simulation, System Dynamics, and Agent-Based Modeling


  • SARC 504 -- Machine Learning Basics (건축 기계학습 기초, 2021 - Present)
    Advanced statistical analysis methods for graduate students including multiple linear regression, logistic linear regression, multi-level modeling, and structural equation modeling.​


  • SARC 502 -- Engineering Data Analytics (엔지니어링 데이터 분석론, 2019 - Present)
    Theoretical understanding and practical applications of various machine learning methods including linear models, decision trees, ensemble methods, kernel methods, support vector machine, clustering, etc. in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction


  • ARE 496 -- Simulations in AEC (건축 시뮬레이션 2021 - Present)
    Understanding of smart construction technologies adopted in practice. The topic includes Building Information Model (BIM) applications for construction management, Laser scanning, Photogrammetry, etc.

  • ARCH 491 -- Architectural Engineering Integrated Design Practice (건축공학 종합설계 및 실습, 2019 - Present)
    This course is a Capstone Design Course in Architectural Engineering. Students are provided with an opportunity to integrate and apply their knowledge acquired so far to solve a specific engineering problem.


  • ARCH 470 -- Building Construction Estimation and Practice (건축 적산 및 실습, 2019 - Present)
    Fundamentals of construction estimating and bidding process. Topics include quantity takeoff, unit cost pricing, bidding, conceptual cost estimating, etc.

  • ARCH 373 -- Construction Management Practice (건설관리 요소설계, 2019 - Present)
    This course aims to provide a basic understanding of construction schedule management. The topics include Work Breakdown Structure, Network Scheduling, Resource Levelling, Schedule Monitoring, and Control, etc.

  • ARCH 372 -- Building Construction Practice (건축시공 요소설계, 2021- Present)
    This course aims to provide a basic understanding of building construction practice. Students learn how to develop construction plans for reinforcement concrete work and waterproof work using a real construction project. 

  • CMAT 107 -- Statistical Research & Analysis (통계조사분석, 2019 - Present)
    Fundamentals of statistical analysis are required for engineering students. The topic includes: basic concepts of probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, statistical inference, regression analysis


Southern Illinois University 

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  • CNST 451 -- Estimating and Bidding
    Fundamentals of construction estimating and bidding process. Topics include quantity takeoff, unit cost pricing, bidding, conceptual cost estimating, etc.


  • CNST 341 -- Plans and Specifications 
    Introduction to plans and specifications in construction projects for pre-construction and construction phases of projects.



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Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16499, Republic of Korea



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